Ways to Donate
There are several ways to support the Fisk University Alumni Class of 1991. In addition to annual fundraising events, we work to obtain donations from other individuals and corporations supportive of our cause. As a 501 (c) non-profit charitable organization all donations are tax-deductible. Consider donating to help us continue to support our great university and assist Fisk University in keeping with the tradition of creating great minds.
Watch Fisk University's "The Legacy Continues" to see the impact our great University has had on American history.

Class of 1991 Donations
Many of our classmates are already recurring givers our goal is to get over 75% participation. Click on the link below to give directly to Fisk University, where you will receive individual credit for your donation and the Class of 1991 will also be recognized. A minimum donation of $10 as a recurring giver qualifies as class participation. This link also shows our ranking amongst the other alumni class in real-time.
** This is for new recurring givers, for those who are already recurring givers there is no need to donate thru this link. All donations to Fisk University are tax-deductible.**